Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Prostatic Stromal Hyperplasia after Doxorubicin Treatment in the Albino Rat

M. S. Sastry, V. Gotmare

Abstract :

The prostate is of the great clinical importance because it is a frequent site of infection and benign and malignant growth. Although glandular and stromal proliferation of prostate is very common, neoplastic proliferations of prostatic stroma are distinctly uncommon. The current study reported the effect of an anticarcinogenic drug, Doxorubicin (1mg/Kg BW/30days) and (2mg/Kg BW/30days) on the prostate gland of male albino rat. The prostatic stromal hyperplasia was characterised by the presence of bizarre giant cells with vacuolated nuclei and frequent multinucleation. The chromatin was smudged rather than hyperchromatic. Nucleoli were inconspicuous or absent owing in part to the nuclear smudging. Inspite of many bizarre, pleomorphic nuclei, mitosis were inconspicuous or occasional. Many nuclei showed nuclear vacuolation, giving a bubbly appearance to it. Some nuclei showed eosinophilic inclusion probably cytoplasmic invaginations. In some foci hyalinised stroma was seen while other places showed loose oedematous stroma suggestive of degenerative changes. Similarly the blood capillaries from the 2mg/Kg BW/30days group exhibited an increase in cellularity of blood vessel wall. All the hyperplastic effects were dose dependent, being more conspicuous in 2mg/Kg BW/30days. From our observations it may be interpreted that these atypical features to be degenerative rather than neoplastic. Recognition of such benign entity has important therapeutic and prognostic implications.

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M. S. SASTRY, V. GOTMARE Prostatic Stromal Hyperplasia after Doxorubicin Treatment in the Albino Rat International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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