Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Nutritional biochemistry of healthy hoof

Dr. Smitha Kaimal

Abstract :

Healthy hooves are very important for the well–being of the animal. Many factors are responsible for the condition of hoof, including environment, hoof diseases and proper nutrition. Nutritious feed containing optimum amount of proteins, energy, vitamins, minerals and fats are essential for hoof health. Amino acids like cystine and methionine are very important in the metabolism of hoof. Energy deficient feed may lead to secondary protein deficiency. Calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, zinc, manganese and selenium are the minerals that have an important role in hoof metabolism. Absence of vitamins A, D, E and all B–complex vitamins especially biotin adversely affect hoof integrity. Fat also acts as a seal to prevent entry of excess moisture into hoof. Perfusion of blood vessels that supply hoof producing tissue, farriery techniques adopted, health care measures and genetic selection methods implemented in the farm can also affect hoof health.

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Dr. Smitha Kaimal Nutritional Biochemistry of Healthy Hoof International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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