Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


K. Kanmani, Dr. A. K. Ravisankar

Abstract :

 This paper assesses the visually impaired women’s understanding on Puberty and Pregnancy. Snow ball sampling methods was applied to choose 468 visually impaired women in 16 selected districts of Tamil Nadu during 2012– 2013. The result shows that the respondents had better knowledge about puberty for girls rather than for boys. Majority of respondents (63.2 percent) had complete knowledge about puberty for girls and 36.8 percent had lack of knowledge. Married respondents had better knowledge and understanding of pregnancy when compared to unmarried girls. Chi–square results show statistical significance of the relationship between marital status of respondents and the respondents’ knowledge about pregnancy. It can be concluded that a significant proportion of visually impaired women had inadequate knowledge about their own process of puberty and a major proportion of them have no idea about boy’s puberty and their source of information was also not authentic.

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K. Kanmani, Dr. A. K. Ravisankar Puberty and Pregnancy: Perception Among Visually Impaired Women International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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