Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

The Management of Human Resources and Technological Change

Murthy K. V. S. N, Karthiga. S, Dr. Rajandran K. V. R

Abstract :

The impact of technology innovations in a knowledge-based workplace has shaped human resource (HR) management in Public and Private Sectors to face the changes of working environment. Rapid change in technology has demanded more from the human resources These rapid changes have make it difficult for HR staff to keep up with the current skills. An attempt was made to understand and study the management of human resource and the technology change. The sample was taken from the Air Force Station in Thanjavur-Tamil Nadu, which has upgraded their operations to cater for highly sophisticated fighter aircraft that is runway operations, savage equipment, fire services and the foreign object free area. Sample of 50 air force personnel that consist of engineering officers, technician, fire service man, medical service men and runway maintenance specialist T-Test and Simple Percentage Analysis was used for evaluating the data. The result shows that many of the HR leaders have difficulties in coping with the technology changes. However, with the continuous training and awareness programs has made the people working in that area has greatly improved in knowing the usage of new technology

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MURTHY K.V.S.N, KARTHIGA.S, Dr. RAJANDRAN K.V.R The Management of Human Resources and Technological Change International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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