Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Contribution of anger expression & anger suppression in adolescents having emotional eating

Baldeep Kaur, Dr. B. S. Sidhu, Dr. Neeraj Mittal

Abstract :

Emotional eating is the tendency to eat in response to negative emotions. The main purpose of present investigation was to study the contribution of anger expression and anger suppression in adolescents having emotional eating. The sample of the present study comprised 200 adolescent participants (103 males and 97 females). The tools used for present investigation were state–trait anger expression inventory–2 [1] and three factor eating questionnaire revised–21 [2]. Results: Results of regression analyses showed that trait anger emerged as a positive predictor of emotional eating followed by anger expression index emerged as a negative predictor of emotional eating in case of both adolescent girls and adolescents boys. Further, in adolescent girls’ anger expression–in emerged as negative predictor followed by anger control–in emerged as a positive predictor. Conclusions: So, it can be concluded that the present study highlights that emotional eating and other related constructs subsumed into clinical psychology as well as in health psychology will continue to find their way into prevention and therapy for people in general, and for the adolescents and young adults specifically.

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BALDEEP KAUR,DR. B.S. SIDHU,DR. NEERAJ MITTAL Contribution of anger expression & anger suppression in adolescents having emotional eating International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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