Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Soil Salinity study of Daskroi Taluka, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Mahesh R. Solanki, Sanjay J. Parmar

Abstract :

 ?e prime concern of this study is to measure productivity and salinity of Daskroi taluka, Dist. Ahmedabad. Soil salinity and productivity is depends on various parameter like morphology, physico– chemical parameters and biological constitute. ?is study is particular focus on salinity and fertility status characteristics. Sample were analysed from Daskroi taluka Dist Ahmedabad because this area surrounded to industrial activity. ?e result revealed that EC ranged between .0.19 to 1.72. Main objective of this soil analysis is to evaluate soil electrical conductivity as per Government of Gujarat Agriculture department lab manual under soil health card project.

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Mahesh R. Solanki, Sanjay J. Parmar, Soil Salinity study of Daskroi Taluka, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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