Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Common Diseases Among Danu Nagar Slum Dwellers : A case Study in Danu Nagar of Dharwad, Karnataka

Dr. V. Jagadeesh

Abstract :

Slums are the most disorganized areas of the city. They have become an inseparable part of city life. A majority of cities in India have a sizable number of slums. Unfortunately, slums are increasing in terms of size and in terms of population.

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Dr. V. JAGADEESH Common Diseases Among Danu Nagar Slum Dwellers : A case Study in Danu Nagar of Dharwad, Karnataka Common Diseases Among Danu Nagar Slum Dwellers : A case Study in Danu Nagar of Dharwad, Karnataka International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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