Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

A Study of Occupational Stress and Burnout among Informal Workers in the City Ulhasnagar of Thane District

Vishal R Tomar, Dr. Yogesh D Mahajan

Abstract :

 Workers all over the world are competing with the machine. Due to modern technology, global competition, pressure of cost reduction and performance improvement adds stress and burnout among them. Informal workers all over the world contribute immensely towards the nation’s economy but many a time their contribution is often neglected. Due to the nature of the work and their employment, they work under stress and faces burnout. Many of these workers are finding it difficult to balance their job and family balance. There is a need to study their level of stress and solve the issues relating to it as it will help them to keep their moral high.

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Vishal R Tomar, Dr. Yogesh D Mahajan A Study of Occupational Stress and Burnout among Informal Workers in the City Ulhasnagar of Thane District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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