Volume : II, Issue : III, March - 2013

Role of Reservoirs in Flood: A Case Study of Flood in 2000 in Murshidabad, West Bengal

Swati Mollah

Abstract :

In India, for controlling flood emphasis has been on structural measures especially construction of multipurpose projects due to economy of construction cost. They are required to moderate the incoming floods to the maximum possible extent as well as store enough water during the monsoon period so that the conservation purpose are best served during the remaining period of the year. But unfortunately these structural measures have been proved futile for flood management. The main problem of these reservoirs is heavy siltation and inappropriate maintenance. In most cases, the actual rate of siltation is found to be higher than the design rate. For the 23 reservoirs the annual loss in live storage capacity is 0.912% of the original live storage capacity. These 23 reservoirs have already lost 23.11 % of LS by 2006. This paper attempts to find out the problems regarding the Massanjore Dam in controlling flood in Murshidabad, in particular based on secondary data from various government reports. It may help the administration of the district to find the solution of the flood problem in other way than depending on controlling flood through reservoir regulation.

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Swati Mollah Role of Reservoirs in Flood: A Case Study of Flood in 2000 in Murshidabad, West Bengal International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.III March 2013

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