Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Risk Factors Assessment in Acute Renal Dysfunction Following Cardiac Surgery in Tirana, Albania

Dr. Nikolin Filipi, Kozeta Filipi

Abstract :

Background. Acute kidney dysfunction (ARD) is a serious complication after cardiac surgery. It may require the use of renal replacement therapy. Many risk factors and algorithms are found. Methods. Data from 72 cardiosurgery patients were collected. Age, diabetes mellitus, clamp and pump time, operation type, were studied. The patients were categorized into group 1: Patients with post operative normal kidney function and group 2: Patients with post operative ARD. All patients were followed with measurement serum creatinine post-operatively. Results. ARD incidence was 13.9%. Mean age in group 1 was 60.95±9.52 and in group 2 was 63.00±10.7 years. There was not any significant correlation between duration of clamp time and post operation acute renal dysfunction. Fifteen patients (93.75%) of group 1 and one (6.25%) in group 2 were diabetic. Conclusion. Acurate scoring algorithms should be available for prediction of post-cardiac surgery complications.

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Dr. Nikolin Filipi, Kozeta Filipi Risk Factors Assessment in Acute Renal Dysfunction Following Cardiac Surgery in Tirana, Albania International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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