Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Effect of Duration & Severity of Exposure on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Among Workers Exposed to Wood Dust in Central India (Nagpur)

Dr. Usman M. S. , Dr. Phatak M. S. , Dr. Gowardipe P. S.

Abstract :

Objective: Occupational and environmental lung diseases are the major work related illnesses. The objective of the study is to assess the effect of wood dust, duration and severity of the exposure on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) among saw mill workers in Nagpur city (Central India) and additionally, to minimize possible health risks for woodworkers by providing them with information about wood dust related hazards. Method: The study was conducted during Feb 2013–july 2013 in the clinical physiology laboratory, IGGMC, Nagpur. It was designed asa case–control cross–sectional study of spirometry in 30 non–smoking wood workers, aged 25–40 yrs, who worked without the benefitof wood dust control ventilation or respiratory protective devices. PEFR were obtained on computed spirometry software by performing FVC manoeuvre, in sitting position with the application of nose clip, by using Physiopac (PP–4) Windows based computerizedPolygraph machine. Results: The present study results demonstrated that the PEFR values in the wood dust exposed workers was significantly reduced as compared with their matched controls, but the duration of exposure was not found to cause significant decrease in PEFR. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, we conclude that the decrease in PEFR values is more related to the severity of exposure rather than duration of exposure.

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DR. USMAN M.S, DR. PHATAK M. S, DR. GOWARDIPE P. S / Effect of Duration & Severity of Exposure on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Among Workers Exposed to Wood Dust in Central India (Nagpur) / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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