Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2014

An Extremely Rare Anatomical Variation Bilateral Canalis Sinuosus and Nasopalatine Duct Cyst and Role of Cbct in Diagnosis

Emre Kose, Ahmet Ercan Sekerci, Emrah Soylu, Sinan Nazlim

Abstract :

Numerous surgical procedures such as placement of dental implants, surgical removal of impacted teeth, periodontal surgery, endodontic surgery, cyst enucleation/marsupialization, and orthognathic surgery are performed in the anterior maxilla which called premaxilla(Allard, Kwast and Waal 1981).With the increase in placement of dental implants and surgical procedures of oral pathologies, increasing numbers of complaints are beingreported due to injuries and failures involving vessels and nerves which cause postoperative paresthesias and hemorrhage.Canalissinuosus (CS) is a small anch of infraorbital canal and rare variation of anterior maxilla which has neurovascular structures. Therefore, it is important to recognize the presence of neurovascular bundles of the infraorbital canal and the odds of accessory canals that must be detected before surgery by imaging(Arx, Lozanoff, Sendi and Bornstein 2013). This report documents rare anatomical variation of bilateral CS and clinical, radiographical and histopathological findings of nasopalatine duct cyst (NPDC).

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Emre KOSE, Ahmet Ercan SEKERCI, Emrah SOYLU, Sinan NAZLIM An Extremely Rare Anatomical Variation Bilateral Canalissinuosus and Nasopalatineduct Cyst and Role of Cbct in Diagnosis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 9 September 2014

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