Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Enrichment of Yeast Leavened Bread by Pomegranate Bagasse Powder

Soumya Bhol, John Don Bosco. S

Abstract :

Pomegranate bagasse, a by–product of pomegranate juice industry, is a rich source of fiber and antioxidants. Dietary fiber regarded as ballast substance from vegetal foods, these days they are given increasing attention because of beneficial physiological effects that may exert on human. Pomegranate juice extraction bagasse which was obtained in two different ways: (i) Direct extraction that involved Arils and peels and (ii) only from Arils. Finely powdered pomegranate Arils Bagasse (AB) and Whole Fruit Bagasse (WFB) was incorporated into wheat flour for the development of value added ead. The feasibility of using pomegranate juice in the recipe was also checked. Basing upon the sensory attributes, 20% of both AB & WFB inclusion was optimized for ead preparation. It was observed that the optimized products showed variation in instrumental analysis, dietary fiber content & physical parameters in comparison to the control.

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Soumya Bhol, John Don Bosco. S Enrichment of Yeast Leavened Bread by Pomegranate Bagasse Powder International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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