Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Conceptualizing Womens Empowerment

Mrs. Sasmita Ray

Abstract :

The empowerment approach considers women’s improved condition and position to be ends in themselves rather than only means to oader development goals. This approach focuses on meeting women’s strategic needs in terms of their role. In the literature available on women empowerment, some of the concepts like gender equality, freedom of female or women status etc. are referring to as either similar or different concepts. Empowerment cannot be injected from outside by others, rather it has to be acquired by the women through their active involvement in the development process. In this way, women empowerment is a process of improvement in the existing status and abilities of women to make them able to lead their lives in an autonomous way

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MRS.SASMITA RAY Conceptualizing Women’s Empowerment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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