Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


Lokanath S. Puthanikar, Dr. Shivakumara K.

Abstract :

<p> The present study aimed to assess the level of emotional intelligence of post graduate science and social science students. It was hypothesized that Post graduate social science students have higher emotional intelligence than post graduate science students. In order to verify the above hypotheses a sample of the present study consist total 160 subjects with two main groups are post graduate science and social science students from departments of Karnatak University Dharwad, Karnatak, India. Each group consist N=80 subjects with male (N=40) and female (N=40). To measure the emotional intelligence, used Emotional Quotient Inventory developed and standardized by Bar–on (2002) has 66 items and measures 10 different dimensions. It was administered individually on the subjects. The data were subjected to‘t’ analyses and the major findings of the study revealed that the social science post graduate students have significantly higher level emotional intelligence then science students of post graduate.</p>

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Lokanath S. Puthanikar, Dr. Shivakumara K. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE LEVEL OF POST GRADUATE SCIENCE AND SOCIAL SCIENCE STUDENTS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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