Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Dr. D. Venkateswara Rao, Dr R. Ramesh Babu, Dr. G. Venkatesh

Abstract :

 Giant cell tumour has been recognized as a benign, locally aggressive neoplasm with the distinct characteristics of local recurrence, multicentricity, the capacity to metastasize in its benign form, and the possibility for malignant transformation. This study was conducted at Royal Hospital, Vijayawada. Among the 35 patients of Giant cell tumour involving long bones, (15 had involvement of distal end of femur, in 10 cases involvement of proximal tibia, 9 patients had involvement of distal end of radius and in one case proximal end humerus involved. In total of 35 patients, 46%(16) were males, 54%(19) were females. According to Campanacci3 radiographic grading, out of 35 patients 5 patients were grade1 (14.2%),21 patients were grade 2(60%), 9 patients were grade 3 (25.7%). In our study of 35 cases, according to musculoskeletal tumour society rating system,15 patients had excellent results,10 patients had good results,6 patients had fair results and 4 had poor  results. Four out of 35 patients had a local recurrence of tumour at a mean of 18.25 months

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Dr. D. Venkateswara Rao, Dr R.Ramesh Babu, Dr. G.Venkatesh, STUDY OF MANAGEMENT OF GIANT CELL TUMORS BY VARIOUS METHODS, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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