Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Dr. Taufiq R. Panjwani, Dr. Rishi A. Aggarwal, Dr. Zainab S. Nayani, Dr. Kapil A. Pawar

Abstract :

Introduction: Total hip arthroplasty (THA) has become one of the most successful and cost–effective procedures in modern medicine. Peri–operatively, there can be considerable blood loss sometimes requiring allogenic blood transfusion which carries significant risks of immunological reactions, transmission of disease, intravascular haemolysis, transfusion induced coagulopathy, renal failure, admission to intensive care and even death. Tranexamic acid is an inexpensive synthetic antifiinolytic agent. Tranexamic acid prevents the degradation of fiin and delays the eakdown of haemostasis clots.We studied the effect of single dose of intravenous preoperative tranexamic acid on perioperative blood loss in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty and also its effect on reducing postoperative allogenic blood transfusions. Materials and methods: We included 40 patients with undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty for osteonecrosis in our study. Patients with proven rheumatoid arthritis, hipjoint infection, malignancy, coagulopathies and known allergy to tranexamic acid were excluded from the study.The participants were randomly allocated to the study and control group receiving single dosetranexamic acid and placebo, respectively. We collected preoperative and day 2 postoperative hemoglobin, total blood loss and need for blood transfusion, if any, and compared the two groups by statistical analysis. Results: There was significant difference in blood loss and need for blood transfusion between the two groups. Study group had a significantly lower decrease in post–operative hemoglobin as compared to the control group. The mean age, weight, height and body–mass index comparison between the study and control groups were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that single preoperative dose of tranexamic acid significantly reduces intraoperative blood loss, postoperative blood loss, total blood loss and the need for blood transfusion in primary total hip arthroplasty in Indian population.

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Dr. Taufiq R. Panjwani, Dr. Rishi A. Aggarwal, Dr. Zainab S. Nayani, Dr. Kapil A. Pawar Effect of Single Dose Tranexamic Acid on Blood Loss in Total Hip Arthroplasty in Indian Population International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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