Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Technological Influences in Indian Retail Sector

Dr. J. Venkatesh

Abstract :

Retailing is a technology demanding industry. It is a acknowledged fact that the retail business forever works on cut-throat slender boundaries and the explanation to endurance lies in optimization of possessions both in space and time extent as well as maximization of buyer fulfilment. Successful retailers today work intimately with their trader to forecast consumer insist, curtail lead times, decrease inventory asset and eventually save outlay. As a result, the equipment prolongs to grow and retailers investigate for ways to compute procedural business value and to poise the efficient consumption of the industrial reserve. Retailers want to get more value out of technologies and certify they are spending their restricted possessions in ways that improve their overall offer to the buyer. Technology has verified to be an aggressive weapon in retail, which is a vivid shift from a decade ago. In response, retailers normally need to suit more regular in overseeing the IT function. Implementing and delivering IT scheme on instant and on finances is devastating adequate devoid of the scheme team in view of their project’s interdependencies with other industry proposal and communal goals.

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Dr. J. VENKATESH Technological Influences in Indian Retail Sector International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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