Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Study on Sphenoid Sinsuses Variants in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of South Indian Population

Suresh Sukumar, Sushil Yadav

Abstract :

The aims of this study are to evaluate the incidence of the different anatomical variations of the sphenoid sinus that are relevant to trans-sphenoid pituitary surgery as detected by preoperative MRI and CT scans and to highlight the impact of these variations on this type of surgery. The MRI scan of 95 patients where reviewed regarding the different anatomical variations of the sphenoid sinus: protrusion of internal carotid artery (ICA) and optic nerve (ON), and dehiscence of the walls of ICA and ON, and the septation pattern. We found 55 cases showing protrusion and 16 cases with dehiscence of bony wall on ICA. In 57 cases showing protrusion and 23 cases showing dehiscence on bony wall of optic nerve. The different anatomical configuration of sphenoid sinus is important for adequate treatment of its disease

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Suresh Sukumar, Sushil Yadav Study on Sphenoid Sinsuses Variants in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of South Indian Population International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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