Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

SOLID Waste Management And Indian Urbanization

Dr. Ajay Upadhyay

Abstract :

One of the steps to economic development of any country is the development of its industries. Over, the last few decades therefore, rapid industrialization has taken place along with unprecedented urbanization leading to deterioration of various environmental media like air, water, soil and land. The key environmental challenged that the country faces today relates to the nexus of environmental degradation with poverty in all its facets. These challenges are connected with state of environmental resources. In India, generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial, hazardous waste, biomedical waste have been increasing due to population growth, life style changes and economic development. On the other hand, waste management responses have not kept pace with the increasing quantities of waste resulting in (a) a high proportion of uncollected waste, and (b) poor standards of transportation, storage, treatment and disposal. The insanitary methods adopted for disposal of solid wastes is a serious health concern with significant environmental, social and health costs associated with it. Open dumping of garbage facilitates the eeding of disease vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and other pests..

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DR. AJAY UPADHYAY SOLID Waste Management And Indian Urbanization International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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