Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012

A Study on Mechanisms and Key Issues of Corporate Governance Practices in India

Kiran Patel, Vishal Acharya, Siddharth Raval

Abstract :

The paper portrays an existing Codes of Corporate Governance (CG) in India which has become a buzz word in corporate sector. It has emerged as a means of corporate excellence and driving force for attaining greater performance, maximizing the stakeholder’s wealth and corporate values. CG problems in India are very different from that of the US or the UK. Lack of adequate governance of Indian corporate has been cited in popular press, in academic debates and in some committee reports as one of the primary reasons for under–performance of companies and the growing disinterest of the small investor in corporate financing. The paper uses secondary data for analyzing the adaptability of CG codes in the Indian context which were collected through various published and unpublished reports, websites, journals, magazines, etc. The paper reveals that India has a good CG mechanism and disclosure practices on par with world counterparts

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Kiran Patel, Vishal Acharya, Siddharth Raval A Study on Mechanisms and Key Issues of Corporate Governance Practices in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012

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