Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

A Comparative Study of Coping Strategies of Stress by Senior Citizens Residing At Old Age Homes and Living with Family Members

Dr. D. V. Thakker, Dr. Gita Singal , Mrs. Suman Deviputra

Abstract :

The objective of the study: To identify and compare the stressors & coping strategies of senior citizen residing at old age homes and living with family members. To correlate stress and coping strategies Convenience sampling technique was used for the selection of senior citizens residing at old age home and living with family members in Vidarbha region. Data was collected from total 100 senior citizens (50 in residing in old age home and 50 in living with family members). A descriptive evaluator approach was used to collect the data from the senior citizens by the help of interview technique and Questionnaire. The reliability of the tool was done by Guttman Split Half Coefficient, Intra class correlation (ICC) formula. There was a significant difference between stressors and coping strategies the mean score that the both groups og senior citizens is found to be significantly. Analyzed showed that there is a significant difference between stressors and coping strategies senior citizens residing at old age home and living with family members.

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Dr. D. V. Thakker,Dr. Gita Singal ,Mrs. Suman Deviputra A Comparative Study of Coping Strategies of Stress by Senior Citizens Residing At Old Age Homes and Living with Family Members International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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