Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Allelopathic activities of specific microbial metabolites in the inland prawn fisheries off eastern Uttar Pradesh, India

Sushil K. Upadhyay

Abstract :

 The gram positive bacterial strain of Streptococcus spp. recovered from Macroachium rosenbergii is a pathogenic strain. The in vitro allelopathic activities of all 22 bacterial strains of same habitat were tested against Streptococcus spp. Out of aforementioned strains only one showed antagonistic activity and identified as gram positive rod, Clostridium spp. The in vitro allelopathic interactions of these two bacterial strains were demonstrated to be a potential antagonist in the inland water fisheries. This study was carried out for the determination of natural allelopathic and antibacterial activity of antagonistic bacterial strain against the pathogenic bacterial strains of fresh water aquaculture system of eastern Uttar Pradesh, India.

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Sushil K. Upadhyay Allelopathic Activities of Specific Microbial Metabolites in the Inland Prawn Fisheries off Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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