Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Analyzing the power of LED light sources to embark the platform of Future Lights

Vinod S Tejwani

Abstract :

 Lighting records for 20% to 25% of all power consumption in almost every country as it is the essential requirement

in night times. Hence more and more research is going on in the field of improving the light sources, ranging from initial
lamps, CFLs, Sodium and mercury vapor lamps to recent LEDs. ?ere are many advantages of LEDs yet cost restricts its path to become general
lighting source. Also there are many issues like thermal loss, driver loss and same higher efficiency at higher temperature need to be addressed. Much
research is also going on in other light sources like x ray scattering, but they are in infant stage much away from professional marketing. Till date
future is ight for LEDs. ?is paper discusses LEDs ability to become the source of light for the future.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Vinod S Tejwani Analyzing the power of LED light sources to embark the platform of Future Lights International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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