Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Design and Construction of a Prototype Hearing Aid with Cerumen Detection Capability

Dr. Mohsen Ahmadi, Fatemeh Mirghaemi

Abstract :

Since the advent of ITE heå instruments, the efficiency, reliability, performance, and life span of such devices has been limited by cerumen build up within its key internal component: the receiver. Initially, cerumen accumulation physically blocks the receiver port occluding the acoustic path and preventing sound waves from efficiently reaching the tympanic memane. Eventually, the cerumen can penetrate into the receiver housing and damage the sensitive mechanical and electrical components located within the housing. The monetary and time costs associated with replacing failed heå devices due to cerumen clogging and receiver damage is significant. The management of cerumen continues to be a challenge for dispensing professionals, consumers, and the industry alike. Historically, the quest for managing cerumen whether in the form of a wax guard or collection device installed within the heå aid itself or as a counter–top apparatus has yielded limited success and none of these systems has performed with optimum results. The aim of this research work was to design and construct a prototype heå aid with cerumen detecting system for heå aids based on infrared sensor. Our findings shows the system can detect cerumen efficiently, and can therefore resolve the key issue with heå device failures

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Dr. Mohsen Ahmadi, Fatemeh Mirghaemi Design and Construction of a Prototype Hearing Aid With Cerumen Detection Capability International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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