Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Endodontic Management of Mandibular First Molar with A Mid-Distal Canal - A Case Report

Dr. Radhika Omprakashji Daga, Dr. B. S. Patil, Dr. Jayaprakash D Patil, Dr. Sandhya Khasnis, Dr. Shrishail Totad, Dr. Kailash L. Rathi

Abstract :


To describe an atypical rare occurrence of three distal canals in a Mandibular First Molar.
According to literature, root canal anatomy of mandibular molars is found to be very complex7. The clinical challenges faced because of these
complexities often places the main goal of root canal therapy in a gamble1,2. Thorough knowledge of pulp chamber and root canal anatomy will
affect the success of treatment3,4. The following case is a report of a right mandibular first molar with five root canals located two mesially and
three distally; treated endodontically.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Radhika Omprakashji Daga, Dr. B.S. Patil, Dr. Jayaprakash D Patil, Dr. Sandhya Khasnis, Dr. Shrishail Totad, Dr. Kailash L. Rathi, Endodontic Management of Mandibular First Molar with A Mid-Distal Canal‾A Case Report, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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