Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Strategic Perspectives of Performance of Rural Roads

Atul Bhatore, Dr. Mrs. Vandana Tare

Abstract :

The oad objective of the present study is to carry out the pavement performance study on the rural road  sections constructed under different rural road schemes and to develop combined pavement condition prediction models. The scope of the study also consists of suggesting the optimum maintenance strategies for rural roads, based upon the  developed pavement performance models. The road network and inventory data for each of the identified rural road section has been  collected from the construction and maintenance records of the concerned highway division’s in–charge of the maintenance of these  roads as well as by carrying out the actual field studies. Present Condition Index (PCI), an index reflecting the composite effects of varying distress types, severity level and extent upon the overall condition of pavement has been calculated for each rural road section in  all categories. 

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Atul Bhatore, Dr.(Mrs.) Vandana Tare Strategic Perspectives of Performance of Rural Roads International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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