Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Mathematical Modeling: From Times Being

Amit Bhatia

Abstract :

The transmission of knowledge through models is not a new phenomenon, rather the humans have made models from times being for communicating their ideas in a better way and for making their life better. This paper traces modeling from prehistoric times to the age of modernization. Models such as maps and diagrams have been used since prehistoric times. One can dispute artifacts like the Lebombo bone or the Ishango bone as true models as they belong to prehistoric times, but how can he ignore Yajurvedasa?hit? (1200-900 BCE), where the numbers as high as have been included. Modeling is the art which converts real life into concepts simple to understand. Not only humans but animals also follow the art. An acute mathematical mind can easily find mathematics in the pattern by which pigeons occupy their places. If 10 pigeons have 9 positions, at least two will occupy the same position and this is the famous pigeonhole principle. This principle is exemplified in real-life by such truisms as there must be at least two males or two females in a group of three people. The principle is indeed a counting model which can be applied to many formal problems, including ones involving infinite sets that cannot be put into one-to-one correspondence. The model , which allows the calculation of instantaneous rates of change, has revolutionized the mathematical thinking. According to Stewart, “More than any other mathematical technique, it has created the modern world.” While admitting that no model can be perfect, this paper traces famous models and also discuss future prospects like fuzzy modeling

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Amit Bhatia Mathematical Modeling: From Times Being International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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