Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Use of E–Resources and Services by Users at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow: a Study

Mr. Vinod Kumar Singh, Dr. Meera

Abstract :

The study investigated the use of electronic resources by the students, research scholars and faculty members of IIM Lucknow. It examined the user’s awareness of the different types of e–resources available in the IIM Lucknow Liary, purpose and frequency of using e–resources by the users, the factor affecting resource utilization, impact of eresources and services on the academic work of the users, suggest the ways and means for the effective use of e–resources and services available in the IIM Lucknow Liary, etc.

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Mr. Vinod Kumar Singh, Dr. Meera Use of E-Resources and Services by Users at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow: a Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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