Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Study of Peripheral Blood Smear Examination with Hemoglobin Estimation in Pregnant Women Attending The Antenatal Clinic

Dr. Amit Agravat, Dr. Gauravi Dhruva, Dr. Khyati Mehta, Dr. Nisha Parmar, Dr. Rutvi Dave

Abstract :

Background: Anemia is defined as decreased hemoglobin level, or circulating red blood cells and it is the most common hematological disorder during pregnancy. There are different types of anemia commonest being iron defciency anemia which affect mostly pregnant and lactating women and children in developing countries. Present study was conducted at P. D. U. Hospital, Rajkot. Aims and objectives : 1) to find out the prevalence of anemia of different types, 2) to grade the severity of anemia, 3) to detect any other abnormality. Methods : In Present study, 100 pregnant women attending antenatal out patient department, obstetric and gynecology department were selected as subjects. After taking detailed history (including age, gravid status, trimester status, chief complains), preliminary blood tests like complete blood count by automated cell counter (nihon kohden) and peripheral smear examination was performed. Results : Pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic were selected. Total 100 pregnant women of 15 to 35 years of age have been studied. Among them, 48 (48 %) women were anemic. Out of 100 women, 36(36%) women were having hypochromic microcytic peripheral blood smear, 1(1%) woman was having normochromic macrocytic peripheral blood smear and 63(63%) women were having normochromic normocytic peripheral blood smear. Among 100 women, 39 women were having 1st trimester pregnancy, 40 women were having 2nd trimester pregnancy and 21 women were having 3rd trimester pregnancy. Among those having 1st trimester pregnancy, 23(58.97%) women were having normochromic normocytic peripheral blood smear, 15(38.46%) having hypochromic microcytic peripheral blood smear and 1 (2.56%) was having macrocytic peripheral blood smear. Among those having 2nd trimester pregnancy, 30(75%) women were having normochromic normocytic peripheral blood smear, 10(25%) women were having hypochromic microcytic peripheral blood smear. Among those having 3rd trimester pregnancy, 10 (47.61%) women were having normochromic normocytic peripheral blood smear and 11 (52.38%) women were having hypochromic microcytic peripheral blood smear.

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Dr. Amit Agravat, Dr. Gauravi Dhruva, Dr. Khyati Mehta, Dr. Nisha parmar, Dr. Rutvi Dave Study of Peripheral Blood Smear Examination with Hemoglobin Estimation in Pregnant Women Attending The Antenatal Clinic International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 9 September 2014

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