Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Comparative Study of Biofertilizerson the growth and biochemical parameters of Mungbean Vigna radiata (L ,Wilczek)

Peterj. G. Fernandes, Satish A. Bhalerao

Abstract :

 Biofertilizers are used for growing good quality produce. Biofertilizers are commonly called microbial inoculants  which are capable of stopping important nutritional elements in the soil from non–usable to usable form by the crop  plants through their biological processes. Agriculture is a most important sector of Indian economy. It contributes to growth, employment and  overall economy of India. The Government of India has been trying to promote the use of Biofertilizer by providing incentives to the farmer.  These inputs have a multiple beneficial impacts on the soil. Biofertilizers increases the soil fertility naturally and does not effect the soil like  chemical fertilizers. Hence to increase the producity of the soil the use of biofertilizer is a must. The comparative effect of biofertilizers Rhizobium japonicum and Azotobacter sppon the growth and yield of Mungbean vigna radiata (L ,Wilczek) was studied. The seeds of mungbean  were treated with biofertilizer and their result was recorded after 45 days.Results proves that plants treated with Rhizobium japonicum and  Azotobacter spp showed excellent results in the morphological as well as biochemical parameters as compared to control(untreated) plants.  

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PeterJ.G. Fernandes, Satish A. Bhalerao Comparative Study of Biofertilizerson the growth and biochemical parameters of Mungbean Vigna radiata (L ,Wilczek) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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