Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Secure AODV Route Updates Over Android

Ashiq Irphan K, Srisusindhran K

Abstract :

Two important security related issues in an ad-hoc network are, Key Management (KM), how security keys are exchanged and Secure Routing (SR), selecting legitimate nodes for routing. To achieve security for AODV route updates a predefined key is to be exchanged between legitimate nodes using Diffie Hellman key exchange mechanism. The exchanged public key is to be fed to a 256-bit AES encryption process to encrypt all the route request RREQ control messages. The primary goal of this work is to ensure that the route selection and route updates are secured. Since the network considered in this project work is android based mobile node which involves different processing capability it is clear that the latency or processing efficiency might not be constant at all times. However, the project work is aimed at increasing the security of route selection in an AODV enabled ad hoc network.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Ashiq Irphan K, Srisusindhran K Secure AODV Route Updates Over Android International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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