Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

A study on workplace stress and its impact on job performance among bank employees in Chittoor (DIST).

B. Ujwala, Dr. Mukesh Kumar V

Abstract :

The study throws light on the concern areas for different people affected by the stress and to find out the various ways and methods to overcome those problems through stress management programmed condition. It also deals with how workplace stress affects job performance of the employees. The present survey deals with 120 respondents aimed to identify the various reasons to cause stress management towards Bank employees in Chittoor and it is confined to limited number of employees and to a certain period of time. The purpose of the study is to identify the reasons for occurrence of stress and there by managing the stress by employees. Inspite of having the modern technologies and facilities, people are feeling them selves to be work loaded and stressed. Stress arises because of many reasons like job insecurity, high demand for performance, family problems etc.  

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B.Ujwala, Dr. Mukesh kumar V A study on workplace stress and its impact on job performance among bank employees in Chittoor (DIST). International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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