Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Balancing career and life: a study with special reference to women employees in Kerala

Dr. Mariya T Cheeran, Renjith T A, George Joseph

Abstract :

Work life balance is a oad concept which is closely related and derived from the research of Job satisfaction as explained and researched by Farnaz Namin–Hedayati PhD from Innovent Consulting a boutique consulting and work–life solutions firm in Orlando, Florida Today‘s workers have many competing responsibilities such as work, children, housework, volunteering, spouse and elderly parent care and this places stress on individuals, families and the communities in which they reside. Work–life conflict is a serious problem that impacts workers, their employers and communities. This paper examines the work life balance of women employees working in Cochin in Kerala

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Dr. Mariya T Cheeran, Renjith T A, George Joseph Balancing Career and Life: a Study with Special Reference to Women Employees in Kerala International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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