Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Primary Pulmonary Choriocarcinoma – A rare case report – Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges

Dr. Sabarinath Ravichandar, Dr. Saravanan Mc

Abstract :

Primary Pulmonary Choriocarcinoma is a highly malignant intrapulmonary trophoblastic tumour affecting young individuals producing hCG. These extragonadalchoriocarcinomas are unusual in two ways: they are not associated with hydatididform mole, abortions, ectopic gestation or with normal pregnancy where the infant is normal and are not part of germ cell neoplasm either in the gonads or elsewhere(1). Since the lungs are a frequent site of metastatic choriocarcinoma with a prevalence of 45% to 87%,(2) the diagnosis of Primary Pulmonary Choriocarcinoma should be made carefully by exclusion of a primary focus in gonads, mediastinum, retroperitoneum, other midline structures and from non–trophoblastic malignancies in the lung including conventional primary lung carcinomas which may produce or express ectopic placental hormones. Here we discuss a similar case of a 28 year old women with Primary Pulmonary Choriocarcinoma.

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Dr.Sabarinath Ravichandar, Dr.Saravanan MC, Primary Pulmonary Choriocarcinoma – A rare case report – Diagnosis and Treatment Challenges, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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