Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


Er. Pramod Sharma, Akanksha Mishra, Kaumudi Singh

Abstract :

  The aim of our study is to reduce the problem of traffic congestion which is becoming a very severe problem nowa–days. As we all know that the present traffic light system consists of a predefined hardware which has a fixed time  for green light and red light. To optimize this problem we have made a framework for an intelligent traffic control system. Generally we have  seen that the conventional traffic light system is not depends upon the density of the traffic. So we proposed a scheme in which the time period  of green light and red light is assigned on the basis of the density of the traffic present at that time. This can be done by using IR sensors. Once  the density is calculated, the glowing time of green light is assigned by the help of the microcontroller. The sensors which are present on either  sides of the road will detect the presence of the vehicles and sends the information to the microcontroller. On the basis of those informations,  micro–controller will make a decision and then assign the glowing time of green light and red light. It means that the timing of the traffic lights  is set according to the density of the vehicles. This is going to be very helpful in the reduction of the traffic congestion and it has a scope for  further expansion in future.

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Er. Pramod Sharma, Akanksha Mishra, Kaumudi Singh DENSIT Y BASED INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM USING IR SENSORS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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