Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

An Overview of Modern Endodontic NiTi Systems

Dr. Akriti Goel, Dr. Radhika Rastogi, Dr. B. Rajkumar, Dr. T. Manisha Choudary, Dr. Lalit Boruah, Dr. Vishesh Gupta, Dr. Ruchi Arora, Dr. Akanksha Bhatt

Abstract :

 A wide array of nickel–titanium (NiTi) instruments has been introduced for shaping root canals. Many variables 

and physical properties influence the clinical performance of NiTi rotaries. It is the clinical experience, handling 
properties, safety, and case outcomes that decides the fate of a particular instrument design. This review article appraises the metallurgical 
and mechanical properties of NiTi endodontic instruments in addition to discussing their experimental and clinical evaluations of the performance in endodontic treatment.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Akriti Goel, Dr. Radhika Rastogi, Dr. B.Rajkumar, Dr. T.Manisha Choudary, Dr. Lalit Boruah, Dr. Vishesh Gupta, Dr. Ruchi Arora, Dr. Akanksha Bhatt An Overview of Modern Endodontic NiTi Systems International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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