Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Comparative Study of Achievement Difference in Mathematics At Secondary Level In Birbhum District

Mr. Sonjoy Mondal, Dr. Nityagopal Mondal, Dr. Birbal Saha

Abstract :

The present study was conducted to provide some information and comparison about the achievement in mathematics subjects at secondary level in Birbhum District, West Bengal. Data was collected of 160 students from four higher secondary schools in Birbhum District, by randomly. The results revealed that 1) male and female students differsignificantly with regard to achievement in mathematics subjects at secondary level, 2) urban male & rural male students differ significantly in achievement in mathematics at Secondary stages, 3) urban female & rural female students does not differ significantly in achievement in mathematics at Secondary level.

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Mr. Sonjoy Mondal, Dr. Nityagopal Mondal, Dr. Birbal Saha Comparative Study of Achievement Difference in Mathematics At Secondary Level In Birbhum District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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