Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Bacterial Colonization of Lower Airways in Asthmatic Patients and its association with Interleukin17 level

Ashwaq Fouad Abu Talb, Shymaa Abdel Ndash Azim Mansour, Waleed Mansour Mohamed, Reem Mohamed Abdel Ndash Rahman

Abstract :

Background: The central role of the Th2 subset in the disease, inducing eosinophilic asthma while neutrophilic

asthma may be due to an increased propensity for asthmatics to carry more bacterial pathogens in their lower airways. During the development of asthma, IL-17 and Th-17 cells play a role in induction of the disease through acting as a proinflammatory
cytokine, also they negatively regulates established asthma. The aim of this study was to assess the association between bacterial colonization
of lower airways and Interleukin 17 level in different asthmatic subtypes.
Methods: This study included 60 subjects (30 asthmatic patients and 30 healthy volunteers). All studied cases and control groups were subjected to history taking, clinical examination including both general and chest examination, chest X-ray, and high resolution CT chest. Diagnosis
of onchial asthma was done. Sputum investigations to detect asthma phenotype and bacterial colonization were done. Serum investigations include detection of serum total IgE level to detect atopy and the level of serum interleukin 17 level.
Results: There was bacterial colonization in 33.3% of cases. Serum IL-17 was higher in patients than controls (p value <0.003). Serum IL-17
level was higher in patients with bacterial colonization than in patients without bacterial colonization (p value <0.001). Serum IL-17 level was
higher in mixed granulocytic asthma and neutrophilic asthma (with no significant difference between the 2 groups) than in other asthma
phenotypes (eosinophilic and paucigranulocytic) with a statistically high significant difference.
Conclusion: Bacterial colonization and subsequent elevation of serum IL-17 levels are associated with neutrophilic asthma. Also, IL-17
can be used to predict asthma severity since it is increased in severe asthma compared to mild and moderate forms of the disease.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Ashwaq Fouad Abu Talb, Shymaa Abdel–Azim Mansour, Waleed Mansour Mohamed, Reem Mohamed Abdel–Rahman Bacterial Colonization of Lower Airways in Asthmatic Patients and its association with Interleukin17 level International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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