Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Are Antioxidants Always Helpful in Thalassemic Patients?

Sadhana K, Naina S, S Narmadeshwar P, Rupesh P, P Prakash

Abstract :

Repeated blood transfusion in beta thalassemia major patients may lead to peroxidative tissue injury by secondary iron overload. so antioxidants are usually advised .But several clinical antioxidant trials on various diseases have shown that exogenously administered antioxidants may not be as beneficial as predicted from the earlier works. This may be due to the lesser dosage of the antioxidants administered or the stage of the disease at which such antioxidants were administered may not have been responsive to the therapy.We therefore hypothesized and hence ventured to investigate whether or not exogenously administered antioxidants are really beneficial or whether they could act as pro-oxidants in a particular situation of a cell. In the present study, 150 children with beta thalassemia major were included. Neutrophils were isolated and the cells were treated with Vitamin E, Vitamin C and combination of both the vitamins E and C , to check there protective role in liberartion of biochemical parameters like ONOO-, O2-, cytosolic Ca and Cathepsin D release and Cu, Zn SOD during Oxidative stress. Where it had been proved that vitamin E might sometimes acts as a pro oxidant while Vitamin C have certain antioxidant effects.

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Sadhana K,Naina S,S Narmadeshwar P,Rupesh P,P Prakash Are Antioxidants Always Helpful in Thalassemic Patients? International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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