Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

A Clinicomycological Study of Chronic Dermatophytosis of more than years duration

Dr. Karthika Sivaprakasam, Dr. Balaji Govindan

Abstract :

 Background: Chronic dermatophytosis is a psycho–social and economic burden to the patients. The growing number of immunocompromised patients due to human immuno defiency viral infections and organ transplantations has led to increased incidence of dermatophytosis. Aim of the study: To ing out the recent trends in the age, sex distribution, causative species, and factors associated with chronic dermatophytosis. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in the mycology section of department of dermatology in a tertiary care centre in Chennai. Patients having dermatophytosis for duration of 3 years and above were selected for the study. Results: Around 60 patients were included for the study, of which 24 were male and 36 female. The common age group affected was in 30–40 years. Diabetes mellitus (30%) and onchial asthma (16.6%) were the most frequent systemic associations observed in this study. Tinea corporis and tinea capitis were the commonest and rarest clinical types respectively. The most frequent isolate was Trichophyton ruum. Conclusion: More studies are warranted to find out the factors responsible for the chronicity of dermatophytosis.

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Dr. Karthika Sivaprakasam, Dr. Balaji Govindan A Clinicomycological Study of Chronic Dermatophytosis of more than years duration International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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