Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Dr. Amit B. Aiwale, Dr. Satish Gireboinwad, Dr. Sandeshparab, Dr. Arpit Jain, Rajesh Kumar Suman

Abstract :

Introduction: The split–thickness skin grafting (STSG) is the most common performed procedures to close defects unable to be closed with the simple approximation of the wound edges. The Present study is designed in such a fashion to find the factors which are responsible for acceptance and rejection of skin graftin rural setup. Objective:To evaluate the relation between different preoperative, intra–operative and post operative factors in Split skin grafting Procedure. Methods: Specialdesigned performa was used to collect data for split skin grafting patients.The data were expressed in number and percentage. Results: The present study evaluates the 200 patients of Split skin grafting and assesses the factors which are responsible for graft acceptance . For Male patients, thevalues ofHb% were not statistically associated with graft acceptance (p>0.5). Among female patients graft acceptance was least [i.e. 5(45.5%) ]for the gruoup of patients with Hb<8 gm%. In a patient with serum protein ≤ 4 gm% graft was partially accepted. .In group of patients in whom grafts stabilisation was done with stapler percentage of patients in whom graft was accepted was least i.e in 13(62%) patients. The graft acceptance was maximum in group of patients who were immobilized up to post operative day 2 i.e. 29(93.5%). The only patient in whom graft was rejected was in group in which soackage was present on post operative day 7 which had swab positive for pseudomonas. In patients having hospital stay of 1–2 wks, 2–3 wks and 3–4 wks the graft was accepted in 11(78.6%), 37(92.5%) and 37(86%) patients respectively. ConclusionThe present study concluded that the haemoglobin level and mode of anesthesia was not associated with graft acceptance while serum protein was associated with graft acceptance.

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Dr. Amit B. Aiwale, Dr. Satish Gireboinwad, Dr. SandeshParab, Dr. Arpit Jain, Rajesh Kumar suman The Observational Study of Relation Between Different Factors in Split Skin Grafting in Rural Hospital International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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