Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Role of Balloon dilatation in case of Tracheal stenosis

Dr. Trupal Solanki, Dr. Falguni Parmar, Dr. Ashish Patel, Dr. Rohan Patel, Dr. Ankur Barot, Dr. Rajesh Vishwakarma, Dr. Kalpesh Patel, Dr. Dipesh Darji

Abstract :

AIM & OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study & evaluate role of Balloon dilatation in case of tracheal stenosis of various aetiology. Method: 15 patients with tracheal stenosis participated in the study. Most common aetiology included was post intubation tracheal stenosis. All the patients who were operated at Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad were in the age range of 1 to 18 years. Retrospective as well as longitudinal study was carried out. Patients were followed up at 1,2, 6, 12 and 24 months of interval. RESULTS: A case series of 15 patients with acquired tracheal stenosis reported that 60% (9/15) had resolution of symptoms after the first or second balloon dilatation. 5 patients (33%) having less advantage in resolution of symptoms.These patients required laser ablation with balloon dilatation, and 1 patient had to undergo tracheal stenting after laser ablation and balloon dilatation having recurrence of symptoms at mean follow up of 1 to 6months. CONCLUSION: The use of balloon dilatation technique in tracheal stenosis patients offers a good treatment modality with low incidents of restenosis and ease of procedure.

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Dr. Trupal Solanki, Dr. Falguni Parmar, Dr. Ashish patel, Dr. Rohan Patel, Dr. Ankur Barot, Dr. Rajesh Vishwakarma, Dr. Kalpesh Patel, Dr. Dipesh Darji Role of Balloon dilatation in case of Tracheal stenosis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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