Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Report of a rare case of multiple hydatid cysts and perforation of a large abdominal cyst in a patient

Mohammad Zarei, Hasan Talebzadeh, Mahdi Keyvan

Abstract :

Hydatid cyst is a zoonotic disease that is caused by echinococcus granulosus worm. The patient was a 25-year-old man. In abdominal sonography, perforated cystic lesion of left lobe of liver with cystic lesion (about 17 cm diameter) of abdominal cavity with suspect in mesenteric cyst was reported. The chest radiography and CT scan of the lungs included cystic lesion of the right and left lungs. Regarding the peritonitis symptoms and exacerbated abdominal pain, the patient became candidate for laparotomy that were removed cysts. Second- and third operations of the patients were done with an interval of one month. Hydatid cysts (with about 17 cm and 16 cm diameter) were completely removed. Albendazole treatment continued until 4 months after surgery and on the next visit up to about 7 months later, according to the abdominal and pelvic sonography and chest radiography, fortunately there were no problems and complications.

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Mohammad Zarei, Hasan Talebzadeh, Mahdi Keyvan Report of a rare case of multiple hydatid cysts and perforation of a large abdominal cyst in a patient International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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