Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Studies on Water Quality With Special Reference to Limnological Characteristics of Kalyani Lake, West Bengal, India

Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Santanu Debnath, Avijit Bakshi

Abstract :

The present study deals with some limnological parameters of water of Kalyani lake in district Nadia, West Bengal to determine whether the water quality is suitable for fish culture or not. A total of nine physico-chemical parameters were measured for a period of one year (March’2011- Feuary’2012) in three different seasons to assess the pollution load and present status of the lake following the standard method of APHA’1995. The parameters showed distinct temporal or seasonal variation. The low DO level and high level of nutrient values indicate the poor water quality of the lake for human consumption and fish culture also. The depletion of water quality is mainly due to the daily assemblage of huge amount of raw sewages from neighbouring sites, bathing of human and cattle, washing of cloths and utensils, dumping of solid wastes etc. This survey reflects the higher degree of pollution in Kalyani lake.

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Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Santanu Debnath, Avijit Bakshi Studies on Water Quality With Special Reference to Limnological Characteristics of Kalyani Lake, West Bengal, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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