Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Native Vegetation (Jammu & Kashmir)

Ar. Vishal Bhatti, Ar. Navin Gupta

Abstract :

The species in a given area interact with each other and with their environment to form complex networks known as ecosystems. These differ from place to place, thus creating ecosystem diversity. Each ecosystem differs from all others because it contains a unique combination of species (and therefore genes) and because these species interact with each other and with each environment in distinctive ways. Biodiversity is not static but is constantly changing. It is increased by genetic change and evolutionary processes and reduced by processes such as habitat degradation, a decline in flora and fauna, and the extinction of species. Diversity in all its forms (genetic, species and ecosystem) is a critical factor in the resilience of an area and its ability to respond to significant changes such as fire, food, climate and human impacts. Diversity is the key to maintaining viable populations of our native flora and fauna. This is due to three major components; loss of biodiversity can result in reduction or loss of ecosystem function. Therefore, it is very important the need for conservation of biodiversity. There are four main reasons for preserving biodiversity: maintaining ecosystem processes, ethics, aesthetics and culture, and economics. Biodiversity has two key aspects: • its functional value at the ecosystem level; and • Its intrinsic value at the individual species, species assemblages and genetic levels. Biodiversity provides the critical processes that make life possible, and that are often taken for granted. Healthy, functioning ecosystems are necessary to maintain the quality of the atmosphere, and to maintain and regulate the climate, fresh water, soil formation, cycling of nutrients and disposal of wastes (often referred to as ecosystem services). Biodiversity is essential for controlling pest plants, animals and diseases, for pollinating crops and for providing food, clothing and many kinds of raw materials. Biodiversity refers to the living pieces that shouldn’t be discarded since we use the earth’s resources to sustain us. Experience suggests to us that the first rule of intelligent tinkering is to keep all of the pieces. Because of the interconnected nature of ecosystems, the loss or addition of one species has the potential to change an ecosystem.

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Ar. Vishal Bhatti, Ar. Navin Gupta Native Vegetation (Jammu & Kashmir) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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