Volume : I, Issue : I, June - 2012

Effect Of Piston Geometry On Combustion Efficiency

A. B. Damor, I. H. Bhoraniya, V. H. Chaudhari

Abstract :

Piston assembly is the heart of any automobile combustion chamber. Efficiency of any engine mainly depends on piston and cylinder geometry. In this Paper we analyze different piston Geometry and find best suitable piston geometry using Advanced FE Tools. In this Competitive World, One has to reduce lead time for product development and costly experimental trial and error which is only possible using FE Tools. For this reason FE Tools are getting more and more popularity. In this Paper we have created 3D model of Piston using Solid works and Perform FE analysis using ANSYS 12.1.

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A. B. Damor, I. H. Bhoraniya, V. H. Chaudhari A. B. Damor, I. H. Bhoraniya, V. H. Chaudhari International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.I June 2012

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