Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Automatic Edge/Fault Detection Using Hybrid Technology of GA and MLP of Image Processing: A Review

Mehul M. Baraiya, Dhaval S. Pipalia

Abstract :

In tiles industries, the problem of the crack can be avoided by detecting the cracks on the surface of tiles. The efficient use of image processing with advanced technologies Generic Algorithm and Multilayer Perceptron with self organizing maps which would be required in the real time applications of tiles surface crack detection. Till now it was possible with individual above mentioned methods. This paper shows the possibility of hyid method combining GA and MLP. Crack/Fault detection using hyid of GA and MLP will be helpful for deduction in the rejection ratio of the tiles at the time of packaging

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Mehul M. Baraiya, Dhaval S. Pipalia Automatic Edge/Fault Detection Using Hybrid Technology of GA and MLP of Image Processing: A Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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