Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

A Study to Find out the Prevalence and Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Intervention for Pain and Activity Performance in Mobile Users with Risk of Repetitive Strain Injury

Kr. Banumathe, V. Guruprasad, Leena Ann Lukose

Abstract :

Strain Injury (RSI). To study the effectiveness of Occupational Therapy(OT) intervention for improving activity performance in mobile users with RSI. Methodology: 3 questionnaires were made and validated. RSI Screening Questionnaire was given to 100 participants to find out the prevalence. Among which 64 of them were selected based on inclusion criteria. Pretest was taken using McGill Pain Questionnaire, Activity Restriction Questionnaire and Awareness Questionnaire. Interventions such as health education, strengthening activities and pamphlets were given for three 30 min session / week.After a period of 3 weeks posttest was taken using the same questionnaire and results were analyzed. Results: Using SPSS-15, Descriptive analysis and Paired‘t’ test was used to analyze the data. 64% of them had symptom of pain and limitation it their activity performance. There was a significant difference between pre and post test score in pain and activity restriction and awareness at p<0.05 level. Conclusion: There was a significant reduction in the pain and activity restriction among mobile users and increased awareness after Occupational Therapy intervention.

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KR.Banumathe, V.Guruprasad, Leena Ann Lukose A Study to Find out the Prevalence and Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Intervention for Pain and Activity Performance in Mobile Users with Risk of Repetitive Strain Injury International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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