Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Obesity In Assocition With Usage Of Electronic Media Among Adolscent School Going Girls In Urban Chennai District,Tamilnadu:A Review

Dr. S. Sampathkumari, Dr. D. Geetha, Dr. D. Lakshmi

Abstract :

 In the 21th century, the young adolescent school going children are spending most of the time with electronic media such as watching TV, playing video games ,watching YouTube video and interacting with computer or cellular phone for internet and they are away from physical activities. The last year research claimed that adolescent girls were 20% more likely to spend at least two hours on the electronic media a day. This is one of the main factor  for  increasing weight gain in them . This study investigated relationship between obesity of adolescent school going children and  usage of  electronic media . This study also investigated the social context of playing games and watching video, TV and academic performance among the adolescent girls. Playing games, watching  YouTube video and TV  and messaging   are the  favorite activities for adolescents. High usage of electronic media is associated with increased BMI. However, this activity is defined as a seated activity that helps increase the sedantary life style. Literature  survey  revealed that time spent in  electronic media  are  linked to adolescent’s  obesity and the decreasing levels of physical activity.


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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.S.Sampathkumari, Dr.D.Geetha, Dr.D.Lakshmi, Obesity In Assocition With Usage Of Electronic Media Among Adolscent School Going Girls In Urban Chennai District,Tamilnadu:A Review, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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